Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Network (CAPIN)

Consuelo Foundation in partnership with Gender Watch Against Violence and Exploitation (GWAVE) implemented CAPIN, a community-based child protection advocacy. CAPIN promotes child-sensitive systems and structures in the management of child abuse cases. One of its missions is to avoid a child-victim of abuse coming down with multi-trauma syndrome.

Men’s training on gender issues

Men for Violence Free Community, a sub-organization of GWAVE implemented a program for sensitizing, educating, and mobilizing men to become advocates and actors against gender-based violence and for gender equality in their communities. This program also involves educating men on issues of reproductive systems, gender-based violence, family planning, etc.

From Victims to Advocates

A transformative program designed to empower victims who have experienced gender-based violence and exploitation to be advocates for themselves and others facing similar challenges. This program aims to help victims transition from a position of victimhood to one of strength and advocacy. Through a combination of counseling, support, education, and training like writing and speaking workshops, participants learn to share their stories, raise awareness about their experiences, and work towards positive change in their lives and communities.